Dragons Of Atlantis Wiki

This dragon is swift, and has strong, short ranged attacks, making it formidable in close quarters. It is compatible with Swift Strike Dragons , Battle Dragons , and Banshees, but not ranged troops, as the other Dragons are.

He resides in the Sunken Temple. In order to evolve it from an Egg to an Adult, you must upgrade its Dragon Keep.

This dragon can currently be upgraded to level eleven. Battle Arts are available after your Mephtic Serpent reaches level 11.

The Mephitic Serpent may be bred with other Dragons in the Sanctuary. Initially, the Great Dragon is the only female Dragon available.


Sunken Temple

The Mephitic Serpent's Egg is found by defeating Level 7+ Lakes. Using a Wraith Dragon to find this Dragon's Egg significantly increases the odds of finding it(may be outdated).

The Serpent Scale may be obtained from Level 7+ Lakes

Scale is automatically equipped when it is found. If it is not, you may need to contact Kabam Support. Serpent Scale may be obtained anytime before or after the Dragon is level 8.

Note: If you feel stuck and are not getting the egg when you are waving, try to wave a different lake. The chance to find the egg is random, wich means it is different from lake to lake.

After finding all 4 pieces of Scale, you will be ready to send your Dragon to battle!

Higher levels of Aerial Combat make your Dragons more efficient in battle.

Note: It may be beneficial to attack level 5-6 Lakes if you are farming for the Mephitic Dragon Egg.

You don't need the Great Dragon any other Dragon to obtain the egg, however you must have the Spectral Ruins and the Ice Outpost before obtaining the egg in the Wilderness.

Injured Water Dragon

Great and Guardian Dragons can attack without 100% health.

The minimum is 100% minus 5% per Aerial Combat level.

  • Level 13, until 35% of their full health.
  • Level 12, until 40%
  • Level 11, until 45%
  • Level 10, until 50%
  • Level 9, until 55%
  • Level 8, until 60%
  • Level 2, until 90%
  • Level 1, until 95%

Your Dragon will always take damage during an attack even if there are no defenders. The time it heals can be reduced by defeating the location 2x without the Great or Elemental Dragon and then including it with the 3rd wave. Or, if you are trying to obtain Anthropus Talismans, by sending enough other troops with the attack.

If your Dragon is defeated in battle, she will be heavily injured; however, your Dragon will never die. Generally, the number of troops needed to clear a Camp or Wild is enough to ensure your Dragon will survive an attack, although it should be noted that the Dragon's range or speed may interfere in battle if included with certain troops. Click here for details.

Dragon levels are achieved by upgrading the Dragon Keep in the Outpost.

Level Description From Game Upkeep/Food
1 The unhatched Mephitic Serpent gestates.
2 The newborn Mephitic Serpent swims about its murky keep.
3 The tiny Serpent grows in ability. It seems to enjoy the attention of its attendants.
4 The Mephitic Serpent spends its days swimming about its keep.
5 The Mephitic Serpent has laid claim to the temple it guards. Even at still a young age, no one crosses it.
6 The temple is cleared further. The Serpent seems almost pleased as the temple is restored. 1,055 Defensive Strength.
7 Your Mephitic Serpent's abilities grow stronger. Its serpentine like body seems to trail on endlessly. 1,379 Defensive Strength.
8 The Mephitic Serpent lords over its restored keep. This Dragon's venomous qualities prove it to be a valuable asset. 1,717 Defensive Strength.
9 The adult Mephitic Serpent has settled into its home. The caretakers of the temple revere its power, despite the smell.
10 Your Mephitic Serpent is one of the largest ever known. Its venom is among the most deadly toxin in Atlantis. Your skill at raising dragons is legion. 2,425 Defensive Strength.

Requirements for Keep Upgrade and Power Boost (Levitation Lev.0)


Food Gold Lumber Metals Stone Time (Levitation Lev.0) Power
2 800 3000 5000 1400 2400 6m
3 1600 6000 10000 2800 4800 18m
4 3200 12000 20000 5600 9600 48m
5 6400 24000 40000 11200 19200 1h 36m 0s
6 12800 48000 80000 22400 38400 3h 12m 0s
7 25600 96000 160000 44800 76800 6h 24m 0s
8 51200 192000 320000 89600 153600 12h 48m 0s
9 102400 384000 640000 179200 307200 1d 1h 36m 0s
10 204800 768000 1280000 358400 614400 2d 3h 12m 0s
11 204800 0 1280000 358400 614400 4d 6h 24m 0s

Dragon Stats

Level Melee Ranged Defense Life Speed Range Load
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 850 0 400 50000 800 0 0
3 1400 0 700 50000 800 0 0
4 2607 0 1608 114868 800 0 0
5 3615 0 2616 186858 800 0 0
6 6693 0 3692 263900 800 0 0
7 8827 0 4828 344930 800 0 0
8 10010 0 6008 421290 800 0 0
9 15231 0 7228 618520 800 0 0
10 22135 0 8488 813285 800 0 0
11 27669 0 10610 1219928 900 0 0

For in-game images of what the armor and scales below look like, please visit the Armor & Scales page.

Please add the correct names for the ones within parentheses. Scales Table Here

Armor Boosts[]

Please add the correct names for the ones within parentheses.

Armor Table Here

Troop Compatibility[]

Because of their stats, some troops are more compatible than others with troop types. This is typically due to incompatible ranges or speeds.The Mephitic serpent is one of the very few dragons who are compattible with speed troops.

Dragon Compatible Troops Best Troops Incompatible Troops
Serpent PDs, BDs, SSDs, Banshee Speed Ranged, ATs


Below are images that show how people obtained their Dragon Armor as well as different Scales (Dragon Body color) and Armor combinations.

Symbol Information
Page last updated: 2024-04-19 13:32 (UTC)