Dragons Of Atlantis Wiki

Troops are trained in the Garrisons in the City and in the Training Centers in your Outposts. The only exception to this is the Spectral Ruins, where troops can ONLY be revived. Higher level garrisons/TC are required to train stronger, better troops. The number of garrisons/TC plus higher levels decrease the training times for your troops. 

You will need to build a Muster Point in the city if you want to send your troops out to conquer Wildernesses and attack other cities or Anthropus Camps. Upgrade the MP to send out more troops per march as well as more marches at a time. Troops can not be sent from the Outposts to attack locations. The MP in the outposts only determine the number of reinforcements you may send to it at one time.

There are four basic types of troops in this game:

Troops can also be classified based on their rarity:

  • Elite troops are troops that require the (direct or indirect) use of at least one completion grant to train. These are the troops which can be trained in your different Outposts. Every Ouspost has its unique elite troops which can only be trained in them by upgradig their training camp to lv 10.
  • Unique troops are troops that have a special ability, like soul reapers and spies.
  • Standard troops are troops that can be trained any where.
  • Most troops have a small "Load" amount, meaning they can carry a small amount of resources after a battle. But Transport troops are used to carry large amounts. However, these troops do not contribute to the battle. They may contribute by adding "Life" to the battle, because it takes a lot of damage to kill them and therefore gives the attackers more time to kill the defenders. Otherwise, they do not contribute to the attacking forces.

Troop Breakdown:


Idle Pop

Food Wood Metal Stone BE Gold Mel Atk Def Life Spd Rng Load Rng Atk

Up keep

Up keep / Pwr Pwr Time / Pwr

Base Train Time

Porter 1 50 150 10 0 0 0 1 10 45 100 0 200 0 2 2 1 48 48s
Conscript 1 80 100 50 0 0 0 10 10 75 200 0 20 0 3 3 1 26 26s
Spy 1 120 200 150 0 0 0 5 5 10 3000 0 0 0 5 2.5 2 51.5 103s
Halberdsman 1 150 500 100 0 0 0 40 40 150 300 0 40 0 6 3 2 70.5 141s
Minotaur 1 200 150 400 0 0 0 70 45 225 275 0 30 0 7 2.33 3 73 219s
Longbowman 2 300 350 300 0 0 0 5 30 75 250 1200 25 80 9 2.25 4 85.75 343s
Swift Strike Dragon 3 1000 600 500 0 0 0 150 60 300 1000 0 100 0 18 3.6 5 99.6 498s
Battle Dragon 6 2000 500 2500 0 0 0 300 300 1500 750 0 80 0 35 5 7 213.14 1492s
Armored Transport 4 600 1500 350 0 0 0 5 200 750 150 0 5000 0 10 1.67 6 162.5 975s
Giant 8 4000 6000 1500 0 0 0 1000 400 4000 120 0 45 0 100 11.11 9 481.55 4334s

Fire Mirror

10 5000 5000 1200 8000 0 0 20 30 1500 50 1500 75 1200 250 25 10 584.3 5843s

Pack Dragon

10 1000 3000 700 500 0 0 150 400 850 1000 0 6000 0 10 1.67 6 - 1664s
Fangtooth 10 4000 5500 2500 7000 0 0 1600 300 3000 500 600 45 800 125 12.5 10 209.2 2092s
Granite Ogre 8 3000 4000 2000 8000 0 0 650 900 15000 350 0 30 0 110 12.22 9 254.89 2294s
Lava Jaw 12 5000 3000 9000 4000 0 0 500 150 1000 400 1600 10 2000 260 32.5 8 249.88 1999s
Banshee 6 2000 3000 3000 1000 0 0 700 200 2850 1350 0 900 0 50 8.33 6 388.33 2330s
Soul Reaper 8 500 2000 2000 2000 2 0 1000 500 3000 450 0 50 0 90 9 10 355.2 3552s
Venom Dweller 5 900 4000 1000 3000 1 0 900 225 3500 300 700 30 800 90 10 9 324.11 2917s
Frost Giant 4 800 3000 3000 3000 0 0 1500 200 5500 200 0 50 0 50 6.25 8 332.63 2661s
Petrified Titan 15 1000 4000 1000 1000 15 9999 5000 1500 7500 50 0 0 0 10 0.5 20 3741.9 74838s
Sand Strider 6 500 2000 2500 2000 75 0 600 600 2000 1000 1200 200 400 35 3.5 10 298.5 2985s
Dark Slayer 13 2000 2000 4500 1000 100 2000 1100 1000 2500 800 0 500 0 50 5 10 348.1 3481
Lightning Cannon - - - - - - - 100 250 1100 50 1600 100 1100 10 1 10 379.3 3793
Storm Drake 9 1100 2000 8000 3000 0 2000 1,350 300 3100 675 0 500 0 80 8 10 274.5 2745

[*] Base Train Time for Pack Dragon is only used to calculate revival time

Explanation of Stats:

  • Melee Atk(Attack): Amount of damage done to targets when range = 0
  • Def(Defense): Resistance to damage
  • Spd(Speed): Determine the time taken to travel to locations or when crossing the battlefield
    • If no range troops are used, default battlefield range = 500
    • If range troops are used, battlefield range = 500 + highest Range of attacker's troops
  • Rng(Range): Minimum distance to damage targets
  • Load: Amount of resources that can be carried
  • Rng Atk (Ranged Attack): Amount of damage done when range > 0
  • Upkeep: Amount of food eaten per hour (however, note that troops do not leave even when food is 0)

Speed Graph Comparison for Troops


You can use this graph to find the best troops to use together.

Training Speed


Troop training speed calculation formula (excel format ~ omit {} notes). Speed in hours = (T{cell}*B{cell}/(COUNTA({array with garrison levels})+((SUM({array with garrison levels})-COUNTA({array with garrison levels}))/10))/60{convert to minutes}/60{convert to seconds}

(T x B) / (G + ((L - G) / 10)) = Total seconds to train Troops

  • Total Number of troops = T
  • Base Training Time = B
  • Total Number of Garrisons = G
  • Total Number of Upgrades/Levels = L

Dragon speed calculation formula (excel format).

  • 4 level 9 garrison (sum 36 levels).
  • Level 5 Rookery.
  • Training 1000 SSD
  • (Base Training Time is 498 seconds) = sum(1000 * 498) / ((1 + (5 / 100) * (4 + [(36 - 4) / 10)]) = 65873.01 seconds, [ABOUT 18 HOURS, 18 MINUTES]

(T x B) / ((1 + (R / 100)) * (G + ((L - G) / 10))) = Total seconds to train Dragons

  • Total Number of troops = T
  • Base Training Time = B
  • Total Number of Garrisons = G
  • Total Number of Upgrades/Levels = L
  • Level of Rookery = R (Rookery ONLY for the City)
    • For the Outposts, training time of dragons is calculated with Level of Rookery = 0

Troop training time calculator.

Troops Time Calculator (Google Docs)

Troops Training Time Calculator (xls file, simple use - only change 4 fields; included 30s minimum time)

There is an absolute base of 30 seconds minimum to train troops.

  • EX. 1 conscript will take 30s while 10 conscripts will also take 30s

RedX edit:

I've flipped the equation around a little bit to figure out different variables. One is for finding the base training time which isn't as useful. The other, is for finding the amount of troops that you can train within a set time.

Total Number of troops = T

Base Training Time = B

Total Number of Garrisons = G

Total Number of Upgrades/Levels = L

Total Seconds it takes to Train = S

((((L - G) / 10) + G) x S) / T = Base Training Time

((((L - G) / 10) + G) x S) / B = Total Number of Troops in the Time Allotted (T)

So, to solve for base training time, the letter S represents the amount of time in seconds it takes to train the troop.

To solve for the amount of troops to train in a predetermined amount of time, S represents how long you want to train for in seconds. So what I'm using this equation for most of the time, is to figure out how many troops to train if i want them to finish in 24 hours (or 86400 seconds).

Using these equations can be exceedingly useful for a different reason also. For instance, if you're going to train a troop in all outposts and your city, but your idle population is too low for them all to train that troop for 24 hours. The outposts maybe all train at different rates, so you want to get the most time out of your idle population by figuring out how many troops you can train at the same time, maximizing the amount of time they will train for. What I did, was first add up all the garrisons (G) and all the levels/upgrades (L) that I have. Then solve for S to find how many of that troop you can train in 24 hours. Take that number and then multiply it by the amount of idle pop it takes to train each, then divide it by your idle pop. Now write that number down, and divide it by 86400 seconds (24hr). Now this number you have will tell you how many seconds to train for in each outpost to maximize efficiency. Solve for (T) Total Number of Troops in the Time Allotted by using this number for the variable S (Total Seconds it Takes to Train).

This all might sound like a bunch of work, but keep NOTES and save all the numbers you ever use in NOTEPAD for later use. I can come up with all sorts of info in under a minute with the numbers i have written down. Right now I'm smoothly training SSD's 2x a day since my idle pop would only allow for them to train for 21hrs, so instead i solve for 12, meaning i'll be awake every time it needs to be set.

IF all of this even helps just 1 person, then it was worth it. Thanks all.


Troop Revival Times:

(T x B x 0.15) / (DP + ((L - DP) / 10)) = Total seconds to Revive Troops (# of Troops x Base Training Time x 0.15 ) / (# of Dark Portals + (Sum of DPs Upgrades - # of DPs) /10)

For Example:

  • 15 DP, 1 level 10 and 14 level 9s = 136 Upgrades
  • Find Base Times on Troop Breakdown
  • (25 LJs x 1999s x 0.15) / (15 Dark Portals + (136 Upgrades - 15 Dark Portals) / 10) =
  • (7496.25) / (15 DPs + (121) / 10) =
  • (7496.25) / (27.1) = 276.6seconds = 4 minutes 36 seconds

(Credit for formula: Kaply)

It takes 15% of the time it takes to Train X amount of troops.

Troop Name Translations

Class English Hungarian Italiano Español Deutsch Français Shqip
Port Porter Teherhordó Portantini Porteador Träger Porteur Hamall
Con Conscript Újonc Reclute Recluta Rekrut Conscrit Rekrut
Spy Spy Kém Spie Espía Spion Espion Spiun
Halb Halberdsman Alabárdos Alabardiere Alabardero Hellebardenkämpfer Hallebardier Sëpatar
Mino Minotaur Minotaurusz Minotauro Minotauro Minotaurus Minotaure Minotaur
LBM Longbowman Íjász Arciere Arquero Langbogenschütze Archer Harkëtar
SSD Swift Strike Dragon Gyors Támadó Sárkány Drago dal Colpo Veloce Dragón de ataque rápido Kleiner Feuerdrache Rapide dragon de combat dragon greve shpejt
AT Armored Transport Páncélozott Szállító Trasporto Blindato Dirigible Acorazado Gepanzertes Luftschiff Dirigeable Blindé Transport i blinduar
BD Battle Dragon Harci Sárkány Drago Guerriero Dragón de combate Kampfdrache Dragon Guerrier Dragua luftëtar
Giant Giant Óriás Gigante Gigante Riese Géant Gjigand
FM Fire Mirror Tűztükör Specchio di fuoco Espejo de Fuego Feuerspiegel Miroir de feu pasqyre zjarri
PD Pack Dragons
VW Venge Wyrm
FT Fangtooth Méregfogú Soldati degli abissi Tritón Giftklauen Soldat aquatique ??????
GO Granite Ogre Gránit Ogre Orco di Granito Ogro de Granito Granit-Oger Ogre de Granite granit vigan
LJ Lava Jaw Lávaszájú Magmasauro Magmasaurus Pyrosaurier Magmasaurien nofulla lava
B Banshee
SR Soul Reaper Lélek arató Mietitore di Anime Parca Seelenräuber Faucheur d'âme shpirt reaper
Class Svenska Türkçe Dutch Suomi Dansk Polski
Port Bärare Hamal Drager Kantaja Portør Tragarz
Con Rekryt Acemi Er Rekruut Alokas Indkalder Poborowy
Spy Spion Casus Spion Vakooja Spion Szpieg
Halb Hillebardman Baltacılar Hellebaardier Hilparimies Halberdsmænd Halabardzista
Mino Minotaur Minotaur Minotaurus Minotauri Minotaur Minotaur
LBM Bågskytt Okçu Boogschutter Pitkäjousimies Bueskytte Łucznik
SSD Attackdrake Çevik Akıncı Dragon Snelle Aanvalsdraak Nopea hyökkäyslohikäärme Swift Strike-Drage Błyskawicznie Atakujący Smok
AT Pansartransport Zırhlı Sevkiyat Gepanserd Transport Panssaroitu kuljetusalus Armeret Transport Opancerzony Transportowiec
BD Stridsdrake Savaş Dragonu Vechtdraak Taistelulohikäärme Kampdrage Smok Bojowy
Giant Jätte Dev Reus Jättiläinen Gigant Olbrzym
PD Smok Transportowy
FM Eldspegel Ateş Aynası Vuurspiegel Tulipeili Brandspejl Ogniste Lustro
FT Huggtandsfisk Azı Diş Snijtandvissen Neulahammas Gifttænder Kłozęby
GO Granittroll Granit Org Granietoger Graniittipeikko Granitogre Granitowy Ogr
LJ Lavakäke Lav Çeneler Pyrosauriër Laavaleuka Lava Jaw Paszcza Lawy
SR Själskördare Ruhsoyguncular Zielrovers Sielunryöstäjä Sjælrøvere Złodziej Dusz
Class 'Eλληνικά Latina Русский
Port Aχθοφόρος Ianitor Носильщик
Con Kληρωτός Conscripti Рекрут
Spy Kατάσκοπος Speculatore Шпион
Halb Aλαβάρδα Πολεμιστής Bipennatus Алебардщик
Mino Μινώταυρος Minotauro Минотавр
LBM Mεγάλη Tοξότης Diu Sagittarius Лучник
SSD Tαχεία Aπεργία Δράκος Velox Percusserit Draco Быстрый дракон
AT Tεθωρακισμένα Mεταφοράς Cataphractos Onerariam Бронированный транспорт
BD Δράκος Mάχη Proelium Draco Боевой дракон
Giant Γίγαντας Gigas Гигант
FM Kαθρέφτη Φωτιά Ignis Speculum Огненное зеркало
FT Δόντι Zώου Δόντι Dente Relictam Dentem Клыкастый
GO Γρανίτη Δράκος Granite Orcus Гранитный огр
LJ Σαγόνι Λάβα Saxa Liquefacta Maxilla Лавовая пасть
SR Θεριστής Ψυχής Anima Messorem Жнец душ

Images and Description of Troops

All of these troops can be trained after their requirements are fulfilled such as researches and buildings.



The Porter's role is to carry heavy loads for the troops. Often they are indentured servants seeking refuge from the wilderness. Some may have cross-bred with the Anthropus.

These are basic standard transport troops that should be replaced by Armored Transport when available.

Resource Requirements: Food: 50   Wood:  150   Metal:  10  Idle Population:  1 Upkeep:  2



All citizens of the City are drafted for a tour of duty in the Army. These Conscript forces are not well trained, and no match for career troops, but they serve bravely and with honor.

These are basic standard melee troops. They have the best training time over power ratio.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  80  Wood: 100  Metal:  50  Idle Population:  1  Upkeep:  3



The Spies are an unassuming lot whose psychic abilities help them travel unnoticed and gather intelligence on the enemy telepathically. They move swiftly, like ghosts in the wind.

These are standard troops but are the only troops that can be sent to spy on locations. They have the highest speed. For more information about this troop, please visit the Spying page.

Requirements: Clairvoyance Level 1 and Garrison Level 2

Resource Requirements:  Food:  120  Wood:  200  Metal:  150  Idle Population:  1  Upkeep:  5



The most agile of the warriors, Halberdsmen wield the halberd with grace and precision. They are stealthy and swift attackers.

These are standard melee troops that can be combined with Swift Strike Dragon to train Sand Strider. They have the highest speed among standard melee troops.

Requirements: Metallurgy Level 1 and Garrison Level 2

Resource Requirements:  Food:  150  Wood:  500  Metal:  100  Idle Population:  1  Upkeep:  6



Minotaurs make an effective sword-wielding infantry. The result of the Ancient Ones' more audacious Life Threads experiments, Minotaurs are intelligent but vicious, and difficult to control.

These are standard melee troops. They have the best upkeep over power ratio among standard melee troops.

Requirements: Metallurgy Level 1, Metalsmith Level 1 and Garrison Level 3

Resource Requirements: Food:  200  Wood:  150  Metal:  400  Idle Population:  1  Upkeep:  7



The Longbowmen are effective long-range fighters. Trained in the latest techniques and equipment from an early age, their range and accuracy improves with new advances in ballistics and calibration.

These are the only standard range troops. They have the best upkeep and training time over power ratios among ranged troops.

Requirements: Weapons Calibration Level 1 and Garrison Level 4

Resource Requirements:  Food:  300  Wood:  350  Metal:  350  Idle Population:  2  Upkeep:  9

Swift Strike Dragon


The smallest of the dragon breeds, the Swift Strike is by far the fastest. Their short fire forces them to come in low for the attack, but a well-trained squadron surprises silently from behind.

These are basic standard fast attack troops that can be combined with Halberdsman to train Sand Strider. They have the best training time over power ratios among fast attack troops.

Requirements: Dragonry Level 2, Rapid Deployment Level 1, Rookery Level 1 and Garrison Level 5

Resource Requirements:  Food: 1,000  Wood:  600  Metal:  500  Idle Population:  3  Upkeep:  18

Battle Dragon


Armored Battle Dragons are the leviathans of the aerial attack. Second only to the Great Dragons in size, their tremendous attack power more than makes up for their lumbering flight.

These are advanced standard fast attack troops.

Requirements: Dragonry Level 3, Metalsmith Level 5, Rapid Deployment Level 5, Rookery Level 5 and Garrison Level 7.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  2,000  Wood:  500  Metal  2,500  Idle Population:  6  Upkeep:  35

Armored Transport


Armored Transport vehicles safely carry heavy payloads of supplies or plunder, high above frenzied battles.

These are advanced standard transport troops.

Requirements: Factory Level 3, Levitation Level 3 and Garrison Level 6.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  600  Wood:  1,500  Metal:  350  Idle Population:  4  Upkeep:  10



These gargantuan peoples are the product of the Ancient One's experiments. Giants are peaceful and kind by nature, but will gladly tear apart the enemy in return for the shelter of a friendly city.

These are advanced standard melee troops.

Requirements: Clairvoyance Level 3, Factory Level 7, Garrison Level 9, Metallurgy Level 8, Metalsmith Level 5.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  4,000  Wood:  6,000  Metal:  1,500  Idle Population:  8  Upkeep:  100

Fire Mirror


This rolling death machine focuses the sun's power with blue energy beaming a searing heat ray over long distances. It panics the enemy as they watch their defenses burst into flames.

These are elite range troops.

Requirements: Factory Level 9, Metallurgy Level 10, Metalsmith Level 7, Weapons Calibration Level 10 and Garrison Level 10.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  5,000  Wood:  5,00  Metal:  1,200  Stone:  8,000  Idle Population:10  Upkeep:  250

Pack Dragon


This unique and loyal breed of dragon is known for its ability to carry heavy loads. While weighted down, they still retain the speed worthy of an Atlantean dragon. Simply, the Pack Dragons is a transport troop that has a higher speed, defense and load capacity than Armored Transports and Porters. This troop can be obtained as a prize from Fortuna's Vault (but you must have a player level 10 or higher), and sometimes they are avaiable to train in your Main City Level 10 or higher Garrison.

Requirements: Garrison Level 10, Levitation Level 9, Rapid Deployment Level 9 and Rookery Level 10.

Resource Requirements:  Food: 1,000  Wood:  3,000  Metal:  700  Stone:  500  Idle Population:  10  Upkeep:  10

Venge Wyrm


The Venge Wyrm is a terrible and vicious attacker from the air. These creatures show no fear and strike a devastating first attack with amazing power, crushing through opposition.

Requirements: Arial Combat Level 7,Garrison or Training Camp Level 10, Metallurgy Level 10, Metalsmith Level 10, and Rapid Deployment Level 10.

Resource Requirements: Food:  1,000  Wood:  3,000  Metal:  4,000



The ferocious Fangtooths are poison laden terrors from the dark depths of Atlantis . The venom that courses through their veins is deadly to all living things. Their difficulty to harness as fighters is only surpassed by their sheer power.

These are unique elite range troops that can only be trained in the Water Outpost. They have the highest melee attack among range troops. They also have the best training time over power ratio among elite troops. For more information about this troop, please visit the Fangtooth page.

Requirements: Clairvoyance Level 4, Factory Level 7, Metalsmith Level 7, Rapid Deployment Level 8, Training Camp Level 10 and a Fangtooth Respirator.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  4,000  Wood:  5,500  Metal: 2,500  Stone:  7,000  Idle Population:  10  Upkeep:  125

Granite Ogre


Granite Ogres are beings of living rock, born out of the land itself. As a result, they are able to withstand even the heaviest attacks. When paired with an army, these soldiers of stone can provide a mighty defense.

These are unique elite melee troops that can only be trained in the Stone Outpost. They have the highest life. They also have the best training time over power ratio among elite melee troops. For more information about this troop, please visit the Granite Ogre page.

Requirements: Clairvoyance Level 5, Masonry Level 10, Metallurgy Level 10, Metalsmith Level 9, Training Camp Level 10 and a Glowing Mandrake.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  3,000  Wood:  4,000  Metal:  2,000  Stone:  7,000  Idle Population:  8  Upkeep:  110

Lava Jaw


The Lava Jaw is a beast that dwells deep in the volcanic core of Atlantis. On the surface, these reptilian beasts can project molten fire so hot that it melts anything it touches.

These are unique elite range troops that can only be trained in the Fire Outpost. They have the highest range and ranged attack. For more information about this troop, please visit the Lava Jaw page.

Requirements: Clairvoyance Level 5, Metalsmith Level 8, Rapid Deployment Level 9, Weapons Calibration Level 10, Training Camp Level 10 and a Volcanic Rune.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  5,000  Wood:  3,000  Metal:  9,000  Stone:  4,000  Idle Population:  12  Upkeep: 260



Banshees are vicious, vengeful fighters that are as swift as the wind itself. Their speed allows them to tear their opponent to shreds faster than any other soldier.

These are unique elite fast attack troops that can only be trained in the Wind Outpost. They have the highest melee attack, life, speed and load among fast attack troops. They also have the highest speed and load among elite troops. For more information about this troops, please visit the Banshee page.

Requirements: Aerial Combat Level 3, Levitation Level 9, Rapid Deployment Level 9, Training Camp Level 10 and a Banshee Talon.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  2,000  Wood:  3,000  Metal:  3,000  Stone:  1,000  Idle Population:  6  Upkeep:  50

Soul Reaper

Soul Reaper2

Soul Reapers are frightening beings that dwell in the frozen wastes of Atlantis. By employing them in a defending army, they have the ability to steal the souls of an attacking army's troops. This ability is not present when they are sent in a march.

These are unique elite melee troops that can only be trained in the Ice Outpost. They have the highest speed among melee troops. For more information about this troop, please visit the Soul Reaper page.

Requirements: Energy Collection Level 2, Guardian Revival Level 4, Medicine Level 7, Training Camp Level 10 and a Reaper Totem.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  500  Wood:  2,000  Metal:  2,000  Stone:  2,000  Blue Energy:  2  Idle Population:  8 Upkeep:  90

Venom Dweller

Venom Dweller2

The Venom Dwellers are a race that live in the toxic swamps. They can produce a corrosive toxin that can eat away at enemies. Especially strong against stone. Damage +100% when attacking Granite Ogres.

These are unique elite range troops that can only be trained in the Sunken Temple. They have the highest life among range troops. For more information about this troop, please visit the Venom Dweller page.

Requirements: Energy Collection Level 3, Guardian Revival Level 5, Medicine Level 9, Training Camp Level 10 and a Swamp Scale.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  900  Wood:  4,000  Metal:  1,000  Stone:  3,000  Blue Energy:  1  Idle Population:  5 Upkeep:  90

Frost Giant

Frost Giant 2

Distant cousins to the Giants already known to Atlantis, the Frost Giants are known for their ability to conjure items from the ice and snow. They are mortal enemies with the Lava Jaws and have heightened defense against their attacks. Lava Jaws attacks -50%.

These are unique elite melee troops that can only be trained in the Ice Outpost. For more information about this troop, please visit the Frost Giant page.

Requirements: Clairvoyance Level 9, Rapid Deployment Level 7, Weapons Calibration Level 9, Training Camp Level 10 and a Glacial Rune.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  800  Wood:  3,000  Metal:  3,000  Stone:  3,000  Idle Population:  4  Upkeep:  50

Petrified Titan


One of the oldest beings of Atlantis. Also one of its mightiest. These massive protectors of nature have no natural enemies. Typically docile and peaceful, they remain at rest and commune with nature. When provoked, they are unstoppable.

These are unique elite melee troops that can only be trained in the Gaea Springs. They have the highest melee attack, defense and the best upkeep over power ratio. For more information about this troop, please visit the Petrified Titan page.

Requirements: Agriculture Level 10, Energy Collection Level 8, Medicine Level 10, Training Camp Level 10 and a Titan Seedling.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  1,000  Wood:  4,000  Metal:  1,000  Stone:  1,000  Blue Energy:  15  Gold: 9,999 Idle Population:  15  Upkeep:  10

Sand Strider


Sand Striders are troops given additional power and training by the nomads of the highlands. These riders are the ultimate fast attack forces with capabilities to counter long and short range foes.

These are unique elite troops that can only be trained in the Solarian Highlands. For more information about this troop, please visit the Sand Strider page.

Requirements: Energy Collection Level 8, Rookery Level 10, Training Camp Level 10, 1 Halberdsman, 1 Swift Strike Dragon and 5 Anthropus Talisman.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  500  Wood:  2,000  Metal:  2,500  Stone: 2,000  Blue Energy: 75  Idle Population:  6 Upkeep:  35

Dark Slayer


The Lost order of Knights have increased Damage and Defense against the forces of dark.

They are unique elite fast attack troops that can only be trained in the City, and that are immune to soul revival. For more information about this troop, please visit the Dark Slayer page

Requirements: Metallurgy Level 10, Garrison Level 10, 1 Conscript, 100 Anthropus Talisman,100 Blue Energy, and a Dragonfire Amulet.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  2,000  Wood:  2,000  Metal:  4,500  Stone:  1,000  Blue Energy:  100  Gold:  2,000  Idle Population:  13  Upkeep:  50

Lightning Cannon


This long range cannon can expel electrial arcs accross the battlefield at varying distances per turn. These are unique elite range troops that can only be trained in the City (but you will need Level 10 or higher Garrison), and that are immune to soul revival. For more information about this troop, please visit the Lightning Cannon page.

Requirements: Energy collection Level 10, Metalsmith level 10.

Upkeep:  10

Storm Drake


The Storm Drakes are deft attackers who penetrate defenses.Their advanced lightweight armor offers protection against attacks while allowing great speed. These are unique elite fast attack troops that can only be trained in the City, but you will need Level 10 or higher Garrison. For more information about this troop, please visit the Storm Drake page.

Requirments: Metallurgy Level 10, Metalsmith Level 10, Weapons Calibration Level 10.

Resource Requirements:  Food:  1,100  Wood:  2,000  Metal:  8,000  Stone:  3,000       Gold:  2,000  Idle Population:  9  Upkeep:  80

Symbol Information
Page last updated: 2024-04-19 12:00 (UTC)